G3, Bharathidasan University
Technology Park, Khajamalai Campus, Trichy-620
023, Tamil Nadu
+91 93451 22554
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11 Mar, 2023
The rise of Social Commerce
Social commerce is the practice of using social media platforms to facilitate
online shopping and purchase transactions. It allows brands to reach new
customers through social media.
Digital transformation is tough to define because it looks so very different for
every industry. Yet, in general terms, it is explained as incorporating digital
technology into all business areas.
launched another website in the Digital World
AVS Builders and Interiors is a creative design oriented company having a unique
to craft spaces with utmost functionality and strategically achieve cost and
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana was established on 21st August 1993 at
Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu by ICAR, New Delhi with an aim to increase the
production and productivity of banana and plantains.